“A poet can survive everything but a misprint.”
Oscar Wilde

author: Nicole J. LeBoeuf

actually writing blog

And Seven Hours to the Finish Line!
Wed 2005-03-30 20:44:39 (in context)
  • 50,455 words (if poetry, lines) long
  • 43.00 hrs. revised

Stopping early tonight. Wanna get up earlyearly tomorrow. The schedule looks something like this:

  1. 5:00 – Wake up
  2. 5:30 – Pick up the milk delivery from friend's doorstep (Royal Crest won't deliver to apartments, won't even just leave the box at the foot of the stair, so he's our friendly surrogate drop point)
  3. 6:00 – Arrive at Joe's Espresso and coax a cup of coffee out of an equally groggy barrista
  4. 6:05 – Settle down with coffee at kidneybean-shaped table beside window looking out onto 30th Street and start logging some more noveledit time
  5. 8:00 – Chat with former coworker about all things writing
  6. Repeat 6:05 listing
  7. And again
  8. And again
Other than picking up the milk, I don't really have anywhere to be on Thursdays. The 8:00 coffee date is my only extranous obligation. So, yes, I can get seven hours done in a day.

"Just pretend it's your day job," I tell myself. "Just pretend you're at work."

But I never liked working eight hours straight. I don't function that way.

"Pretend that you do. And stop whining."

Tonight's three-and-a-quarter hours were spent getting from halfway through Chapter Three to the end of Chapter Three. In plot-point terms, that's from just after the end of the magic spell to just before dinner. Anubia explains the importance of positive affirmations, Sasha begins to explore her newly charged magic notebook, and peace negotiations begin between her sister and her mother in the kitchen. A little more hard-working conversation, and the sound of me attempting to rip-start the story proper.

Tomorrow begins the really hard task of outlining Chapter Four. Remember those plot tangles I mentioned back during the mark-up phase? Yeah. Can't put 'em off any longer.

Wish me luck!
