“A novel is something that stands at the end of a lengthy process called writing.”
Victoria Nelson

author: Nicole J. LeBoeuf

actually writing blog

Saturday and Speedy and Squeak All Start With "S"
Sat 2005-11-19 16:59:13 (in context)
  • 27,913 words (if poetry, lines) long

Quoth my handy-dandy NaNoWriMo Calculator on Saturday, November 19:

For Reference:
A 1667-word daily average would result in a total of 31673 by the end of day 19.

Your Stats:
Your daily average thus far is 1469 per day over 19 days.
At this rate, you'll wind up with 44070 words.

In order to win...
You need to average 2008 words per day over the remaining 11 days.

Good luck!

Today was a good day for writing.

(It used to say I needed to average 2,089 words, going forward. So I figured I had to write more than 2,089 words to make things better. In case there's any confusion, 27,913 minus 24,585 is rather more than 2,089.)

Plus Gwen got to meet the talemouse. That was cool. Apparently, a talemouse's natural voice is like a dog whistle that humans can hear, and it's kind of like fingernails on a blackboard, and Gwen now has a super colossal headache.

I got to visit with quite a few fellow Boulder-area NaNoers at the Tea Spot today. Tea was duly sipped. Dim sum was summarily consumed. And words got written in great quantity. In my case, I'm fairly confident of the quality as well. Rewriting this bad boy, I think, won't be nearly as painful as rewriting other novels has been.

Tomorrow's 2000+ words will involve... well, I'm not entirely sure what they'll involve. I'll have to give it some thought while I double-knit 11" of ribbing and 11" of ribbing-with-stockinette-panel. By this time tomorrow, I'll know more than I know now, and will hopefully be ready to mail off a wedding present to the New Orleans area too. Or at least I'll be a lot closer to ready.
