“My words trickle down from a wound which I have no intention to heal.”
Paul Simon

author: Nicole J. LeBoeuf

actually writing blog

Halfway done...
Thu 2003-11-27 23:24:43 (in context)
  • 25,072 words (if poetry, lines) long
  • 0.00 hrs. revised

...and charging on. No time to say much more than that, because if I stop for tonight I'll be left with more than 8K per day - and I won't have time to do that on Sunday! So, on I go.

The characters are about to reach the midpoint crisis. The main character's girlfriend is suggesting a trip to the beach. It spelled trouble for Ranulf and Undine, and it sure as heck ain't a good idea for these kids either.

Addendum: I really should add a "current word count" field to the Nanoblog database table. That and a "which year's novel" indication so that I can reuse it from year to year. And I should actually use the "image" field I put in there...

[Ed. Note: Done. 2003-03-12]

[Ed. Note: Improved. 2005-08-21]

Back to the current word count thing:

I'm currently at 25,072 words. My next reward comes at 27,000 words, when I will allow myself more coffee. Then at 30,000 words I'll let myself have a forum break and then go to sleep. Maybe tonight I'll be able to fight off the sleepies.
