“It's funny how just the simple act of answering a day's worth of e-mail will keep the crushing inevitability of the entropic heat death of the universe at bay for a good half hour to an hour.”
John Scalzi

author: Nicole J. LeBoeuf

actually writing blog

I Iz Published Agin! ...maybe
Wed 2006-08-02 10:17:13 (in context)
  • 450 words (if poetry, lines) long


Just got an email from Constant Content. Apparently, this sweet little erotica short-short that I wrote up in response to someone's request for fiction featuring their lingerie catalog... sold.

The buyer wishes to remain anonymous. I have no idea where it's going to be published.

If any of y'all happen to Google it up before I do, lemme know, 'K? (And if it shows up without my byline, really let me know, 'cause the rights they bought doesn't allow removal of my byline. And every request currently having to do with lingerie seems to ask for the set of rights include byline removal. So I'm worried they might've made a mistake. We Shall See.)


